Promoting the attainment of self-sufficiency in fish production for sustainable livelihood of fisherfolks, through rational exploitation of the inland aquatic resources of Nigeria.

Services Departments

Three Services Departments were also established to ensure efficient management and to enhance the quality of its technical activities. These are:
1.     Administration
2.     Finance and Supply
3.     Information and documentation

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Write up

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Write up

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          The library of the Institute was set-up at the inception of the Institute as a project in 1968 by FAO.  The present library building is the 3rd movement of the Library.  The activities of the library are geared towards providing information to fisheries scientists and other stakeholders in fisheries and aquatic sciences for research and development in order to enhance the attainment of Federal Government’s policy on fish production, sustainable fisheries development, market and trade development, food security and nutrition.  The library maintains about 10,000 books and technical reports, 200 journal titles, 12,500 special collection on Nigerian Fisheries and aquatic sciences and 121 theses.  The library uses the Universal Decimal Classification scheme for the classification of books and other library materials.
          The services of the library have been computerized using the ASFA and AGRIS software.   The library embarked on the development of specialized databases using the Micro-C/ISIS.  The databases are Nigerian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Database.  The Collection started in 1987 and a yearly abstract produced. The abstract contains articles/publications on Nigerian Fisheries Literature received into the library in given year.  This allows a purposive collection, indexing of Nigerian literature in fisheries and aquatic sciences.  This systematic collection gradually made the Institute’s library  a national reference centre in our mandate area. 
The second Database is the Human resources which provides biodata, Contact addresses, E-mails, telephone numbers etc to enhance Purposeful Collaboration and Networking Among Nigerian fisheries scientists.  The services of the library are open to scientists and fisheries students both nationally and internationally.  The library co-ordinates the production of the Institute’s Newsletter and its dissemination.  For ease of functioning, the library operates through three programmes namely, Technical Services, Users Services and Printing Services. 
Also the library co-operates with international information centers in the areas of fisheries and aquatic sciences.  Such centers are FAO, ASFA, IAMSLIC and World Fish Center.

Ø    Acquisition of scientific library materials that will enhance research and development in the mandate area of the institute
Ø    Organization of library materials for ease of retrieval for use
Ø  Publicize the activities of the institute through the production of quarterly Newsletter.
Ø    Co-ordinate the activities of the printing and bindery unit
Ø    Participation in national and international networking.
·         Automation of the library through the adoption of an international methodology (ASFA and AGRIS) used by FAO.  This has enhanced international networking in resource sharing.     
·         Harnessing of fisheries and aquatic sciences literature in Nigeria for the purpose of bibliographic control and dissemination.  This has led to the development of Nigerian Fisheries Database.
·         Production of annual Abstract of Nigerian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences for creating awareness of Nigerian Fisheries Literature.
·         Development of a Directory – Human Resources Database of Nigeria Fisheries and Aquatic sciences to enhance collaboration and information sharing
·         Participation in ASFA project organized and coordinated by FAO.  By this participation the library is responsible for inputting Nigerian Fisheries and Aquatic sciences literature in to ASFA Database on-line.  Over 1,355 articles have been uploaded to date.
·         Participation in networking with national and international fisheries centers (NIOMR, ARAC, FAO, World Fish Center and SAIAB) to have access to their resources.

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